8,75 Artecontemporanea

30 April - 28 May 2008
curated by Chiara Serri
The intimacy of the pose, emphasised by the infinite softness of a hazy light that breathes the essence of the body, the artistic citation of the female nude and the atmosphere of contained eroticism make Stefania Paparelli’s fashion photography a timeless tale that draws on and reinterprets the romantic allure of Paris in the late fifties. Soft images that one can almost reach out and touch, whose tulle and chiffon reveal the enveloping softness of fabric and the smoothness of skin, as if veiled by a fine, celestial material. 

Information and contacts:
Galleria 8,75 Artecontemporanea
corso Garibaldi 4
42100 Reggio Emilia
tel. + 39 340-3545183
web. www.875artecontemporanea.it
30 April 2008 - ore 17.00 
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat: 16.30 to 19.30. Mon, Thu and festival day by appointment only.
Admission free

© Stefania Paparelli

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